Do you know that healthy adults need 45-56 grams of protein daily? Also, protein requirements vary from person to person. A person who exercises daily may need more proteins and calories. And protein shakes are the perfect source of protein for those who wish to build muscles, recover from injury or want to lose weight.

They are not just beverages you can enjoy, but a perfect meal replacement that everyone loves to drink. They are gaining popularity daily, especially in bodybuilders and weight loss diets. A protein shake is commonly viewed as a complete diet that provides all the nutrients our bodies need. And that’s true! They are rich in essential and non-essential amino acids.


Potential Benefits of Protein Shakes

You can reap the following benefits of drinking protein shakes.

  • Protein shake helps muscle growth after strengthening exercises.
  • It can help curb hunger and slow down the gut. It gives the feeling of fullness and helps decrease overeating that can lead to weight loss.
  • Consistent protein intake in your diet enhances your lean mass. And due to an increase in lean mass the need to burn more calories develop. This way, it boosts the activity of the metabolic system.
  • It helps rebuild the muscles and aids the DOMs recovery associated with an intense workout.
  • In the geriatric population, it preserves the muscle mass and prevents the muscle shedding resulting from aging.
  • It is the easiest way to boost nutrients, particularly after a workout.


Protein shakes are perfect meal replacements

Protein shakes are famous as the perfect meal replacement. Now let’s first find out what protein shakes are?

The protein shake has varying amounts of proteins including milk, casein, whey, egg, rice, and soy. In protein shakes, the different sources of proteins are mixed with any liquid including water or milk. You can also add other protein-enriched ingredients to get more benefits.

Moreover, many protein shakes have the essential vitamins and minerals through fortification. The protein shakes also have high sugar content. So if you want to replace your high carbohydrate with low carb, then protein shakes are the best option.

The actual meal replacement shake must have the essential vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and amino acids that help to meet the required energy needs and proper functioning. Healthy shakes are not limited to protein shakes only but they contain many other shakes.

Now you know that protein shakes have an excellent amino acid content that is perfect for supplementing enough amino acid intake. Professionals like athletes need to get a high protein level, so it is an ideal meal replacement to meet their body needs.


Protein Shakes and Healthy Shakes

Protein shakes are healthy shakes that give an instant energy boost. It has a high content of amino acids along with minimal vitamins and minerals. The protein shake helps suppress the appetite and reduce caloric consumption.

If you are losing weight, then protein shakes are the best companion. It will give instant benefits, but these are for the short term.

Moreover, protein shakes help to build muscles and proper functioning of cells. They aim to fulfill the protein needs and few calories. However, you can also get enough protein through essential diets rich in beans, nuts, eggs, and many more. Protein shakes are in reality  healthy shakes and good for our health as they provide the proteins that help in growth and proper cell functioning.


Myths And Facts about Protein Shakes

Myth 1: Protein shakes can damage kidneys

Fact: the proteins present in protein shakes are essential for a balanced diet and have nothing to do to damage the kidneys.

Myth 2: Protein shakes make my muscles big

Fact: If you want to grow or build muscles, you need to work on muscles along with taking protein shakes.

Myth 3: Only 30 grams of protein can be processed by the body at a time

Fact: The quantity of protein that a healthy body processes depends on many factors, so it varies with each body type.

Myth 4: Food-based protein is better than protein shakes

Fact: Protein shakes are a full substitute of food that you can get from foods.

Myth 5: Only bodybuilders can intake protein shakes

Fact: Anyone recovering from muscle injury, fatigue, or aiming to improve muscle growth can drink protein shakes.